Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nature or Nurture?

While sitting here this morning with the first cup of coffee, and checking all my assorted oh so important junk emails. (dang no sales online last night) I skipped over and checked Mum's shop, Dad's shop, Daughter's shop. I had the stray though maybe there's something in the water!
It got me to wondering about how creativity plays itself out. You know the old 'nature versus nurture' thing.

Right brain, left brain dominance, genetic predisposition, necessity, or familial tradition? I believe being creative can be learned through a nurturing process, but does that explain talent? Is having any level of talent just from what you are taught, or is it a natural process that we're born with. I remember begging to take guitar lessons when I was younger. A tutor came to our house to screen me. I had never played any instrument before, and he walked me through holding the instrument and basic finger placement. So for the total 15-30 min he was there, he concluded I had no talent, (and yes he said that to me) and it wasn't worth it for him to teach me. Needless to say I don't play guitar :), but had a different teacher nurtured the desire would that have been different?

Hmm might be to much to think about this early. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. How did you become so wonderfully creative?


Baroness Bijoutery said...

Love your post...I guess I would have to say it is a combination of both...My talent for designing clothing and executing the end result was really self taught..But something in me had to have been born in me or else how could I have started with making doll clothes at 9? I definitly wasn't nutured in my efforts. When I asked if my Mother would teach me to knit and crochet I was told I wouldn't be any good at it...Well that turned out false too..So again this was a self taught process...I hope I nutured all you beautiful talents as you grew up..sorry about the guitar honey...I should have found another teacher for you....But know this I have always believe in your talents, painting, drawing, poetry writing, and your jewelry. You have the eye of a true artist and I've always been so proud of you....

Ramblin Mama said...

Hmmmm. Real food for thought. Gotta give this some deep consideration but I think there is truly inherited talent but I believe it must be nurtured to some extent. We had a discussion similar to this yesterday at a get-together and someone pointed out people can be "crafty" even if they can only follow very detailed instructions well but she would not call them "creative" unless they've come up with the concept themselves.

Anonymous said...

What I lack in many intellectual areas, I've made up for in my creative thinking. From what I am told it is honestly something I was born with. I think we can learn to do many things. It's amazing to see the contrast of people, and what one is inclined to do naturally versus the other. Really quite beautiful. Creativity is such a gift. I don't think I would trade for money or any other trait.

M.M.E. said...

Great post. That's so sad about the music lessons. In fifth grade, they had us students hold the future band instruments we could play and concluded I was not built to play any. My fingers were too small for flute and clarinet, and I made a racket with the violin. Oh well, my mother certainly appreciated not having to listen to someone learn an instrument. Art is much more quiet.

Baroness Bijoutery said...

Okay Brat get off you butt and back on your blog...Stop by my blog I have something for you there..Love you....