
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Supply Hunt

I was just thinking about how we creative types also are creative with obtaining supplies. Whether it's outright purchasing, trading, dumpster diving, recycling, up cycling, or harvesting, I have had to learn how to be just as creative with procuring supplies. Some times this is an economic necessity, but other times it idea based.

I thought I would share one of my procurements with you all.

This ancient apple tree drops enough branches each spring that I can make 5-6 broom handles.

The grand old Birch out front supplies enough twigs to complete those 5-6 brooms each season. Isn't that a wonderful coincidence. In this instance, all the twigs in the front yard provided the creation idea for the besoms (brooms). Thess supplies are harvested from natural cycles of growth, death, and seasons.
What is your favorite supply hunt?


  1. This sounds odd but I 'gather' from my field little odds and ends for yard art. Since my home is over 100 years old I often find odd farm parts that I love, the more rust the better! When I get my secret garden completely weeded and redone I will take photos of some of the oddities I have made from old farm implements.

  2. How very cool! I should be more creative about finding supplies, but I tend to do the obvious and buy them. I've considered starting to troll garage sales for old jewelry that I can buy, take apart and reuse.

  3. Love the brooms! I'm constantly picking up pieces of fungus, strange branches/twigs, little bones, etc., when I'm walking through the woods. Many of the piece, I never know if I'll use, but it is fun to go through my found treasures hoping that I will be inspired for a piece.

  4. nice broom!

    lol. i just did a post on my first finished change road rescue ring. *i find the coins when i'm out walking. i should go back and edit my post and put that in.*

  5. Your forgot one of your favorite places to find goodies...Mom's shop...Love you...:)

  6. My goodness, how clever you are...the broom is great! I use whatever "nature's refuse" I can find in my yard, well as thirft shop and garage sale items.......what fun!

  7. Congratulations! You've won an award and can pick it up on my blog at

    Great Blog!

  8. Love the flea market, personally. This is really great - way to use what you have around you to make something really special!

  9. I am like you, always on the lookout for different uses as well as the obvious. My creative finds are not quite as exciting as yours, I do tend to order supplies in the normal way too!
