
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fairy Glens and Gardens

The weather was glorious this weekend! I just have a need to be in the middle of everything when it's shining and warm. It is a pure bliss, and a hyper awareness of my my surroundings that carries my moments on days like this. The apple blossoms scented the air with a glorious sweetness. The mama pheasant was yelling at me, I assume for coming too close to her nest. Robins and humming birds were dancing in the air and flitting from tree to tree. Thankfully I got to work on the upper deck ( our property out back) by myself for a while. I do need the extra help for heavy chores with clearing and gardening, but today I was actually happy the fellas were occupied elsewhere today. I needed the moment of solitude to feel bigger than myself today and it was grand!
I worked for a while on the path into the fairy glen. My missy and I are going to have a special spot. Even us old Mamas need to believe in fairies and magical things. I got the base of the arbor/ gateway up. It's made from recycling the boys old batting net, and the bent side rails from a vintage toddler bed. I will be training the honeysuckle to climb over the arbor. I am using the head and foot boards from that little bed to make a bench for the glen. I just need to finish cutting the slats, and make the cushion.
I also managed to get my entire vegetable garden planted. Three large plots, and three rows of Mammoth sunflowers along the fence line! I did all of this in my bare feet. Soft warm soil....have to have bare feet for that one! sometimes simple pleasure are best :)


  1. Beautiful the path you got so much accomplished today..Sometimes it's nice not to have a man around to get in the way...Oh and one more thing..WASH YOUR DIRTY FEET before you go to bed..hehehehehe

  2. What a beautiful area you have! Fae-like indeed! Brilliant idea on using bed parts for the arbour!

  3. Its going to be lovely :) You would love the Isle Of Man where I live it is the home of faieries and we have 17 national glens!

  4. Gorgeous. I'm so jealous with my little apartment potted plants.

  5. I love all things Fae too...and I will anxiously wait to see your garden in full bloom!

  6. Wow, you sure got a lot done and it looks great! Sure is fun, huh? I took worked in the yard, had to tear almost everything out of the secret garden. Almost everything died or was totally overgrown. I am putting new soil in also. Got the lawn mowed, about two acres. I do it in stages as the rider gets my back bad. And I went to the pool to exercise, I am beat but determined to take this weight off. Speaking of which off I go to the pool again. Have a wonderful sunny day!

  7. Oooh, I'm jealous of your backyard! Sounds like a great day!

  8. Mmm gardening. Should be pretty with all those sunflowers.
