
Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring has Sprung

I am no longer MIA.

Just flaming busy.

we have done lots of this.....

and some of this.....

a little of this....

Tonight is little Miss Sunshine's play.....she's one of the forest friends in Snow White. Working our way up to Graduation, and Wedding.

 Am I silly for missing them already? Weird I know, I miss them more while they are here, than when they are gone. Silly Mama :)

I am truly hoping to sneak some craft time in this weekend to simmer down the racing marbles in my head! (Heck I'm happy I got to sneak some blog time in!) If you have a chance take a peek at my new
flightfancy fan page on needs some love.  Bright Blessings! Have a grand weekend friends! Theresa


  1. You are not a Silly Mama Brat...I still have Empty Nest without you here...And Lord you are OLD>>>hehehe

  2. Mommies aren't suppose to tell! Ha! Good to have you back.

  3. Well, I'm with your mom - another empty nester here. So no, you are not a silly mama!

    Good to see you posting again!



  4. You have been very busy!!! Good to have you back with us. :) Theresa

  5. Shame on you for giving you poor OLD mother the raspberry..and in print no less...I know I taught you better BRAT...No more allowance for you....
