
Monday, January 18, 2010

Pink and Blue Weekends

For whatever reason the dreaded winter blues caught up with me this weekend. January always seems like it lasts forever! I'm impatient with having a case of mopey blues, so I decided I needed pinks this weekend.

I have a feeling I'm going to be stuck on working with pinks for a while (at least while the weather is atrocious)  Generally I wind myself back up with a flurry of cleaning....but really what fun is that? So I decided to tickle myself pink! (is that legal?)

Here's few of this weekends projects. In progress and finished.

And I just have to share! A sure fire way to beat the blues is to follow Tristan's blog,
Enchanted Revelry. This blog has got to be one of the most beautiful, artistic and witty blogs I follow! I get lost reading his posts, and the eye candy is stunning! Enchanted Revelry is having a giveaway in celebration right now. You can follow this link to enter and check out this amazing artist's blog!


  1. Great post and beautiful usual....

  2. Going pink seems to suit you!!! Very lovely.
    P. S. Wasn't that sun nice today?

  3. Beautiful work as always - my favorite of these two is Arabella's Fancy. I also had the
    'blues' this weekend (infact, felt downright bitchy! LOL). Was it a full moon or something?

    Totally agree with you on Tristan's blog. Always brings a smile to my face!

  4. Gorgeous pieces! I love the pink.. much needed during this chilly winter. ;)

  5. I LOVE those pieces. They have such a romantic feel. You do such amazing work!!

  6. I don't usually like pink - but those are amaizing!! The winter blues are starting to catch up to me too, but maybe I'll do something in Red!

  7. These are beautiful, I like pink too of course, its the new black
    pretty soon it'll be spring again

  8. Oh my, I love Arabella's Fancy. Pretty as a chocker yes but it would be great as a lapel pin also. I sooo agree with you about tristan's blog. You can't go there and stay in a bad mood. He cheers me up every time or atleast gets a grin out of me. I hope your blues go away soon. :)

  9. How gorgeous! And thanks for the link! ♥

  10. So beautiful!... The pink is my favourite.
