
Monday, January 25, 2010

OWOH Magic Carpet Ride

 Welcome bloggers, I'm happy you stopped by on your magic carpet! I'm so excited to be a part of the One World One Heart Event.  This is the first year I am participating, and I'm looking forward to finding some fantastic new blogs, and friends.

 My name is Theresa, which means goddess of everything hearth, home, and creativity. Really! :) Well not really, but I'd like to think so. My Lovely Mum refers to me as Brat, and that's probably more appropriate.  As I tend to be stubborn and irreverant. I see the world through my own set of glasses, and if the colors are off I get creative!

 I enjoy working in  different mediums, and I would love to share two of my favorite art  forms with you!

 The Last Veil was inspired by the magic carpet ride theme. She is made from polished cotton and various trims, and fancy fabrics.

 Tanzanite Wrapped Wonder necklace. The theme magic carpet ride makes me think 'dreamy', and the color of these pretty tanzanite chips fit that dreamy feeling.

 I will pick two winners using a random number generator on February 15th from bloggers who leave a comment . Please make sure I can get in touch with you by leaving an email, or through your blog :) just in case you win!

 Thanks for visiting and come back any time.Be sure to click on the OWOH logo at the top right side bar to visit all the other ticket holders! It should be a glorious ride!
Blessings, and bright dreams

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pink and Blue Weekends

For whatever reason the dreaded winter blues caught up with me this weekend. January always seems like it lasts forever! I'm impatient with having a case of mopey blues, so I decided I needed pinks this weekend.

I have a feeling I'm going to be stuck on working with pinks for a while (at least while the weather is atrocious)  Generally I wind myself back up with a flurry of cleaning....but really what fun is that? So I decided to tickle myself pink! (is that legal?)

Here's few of this weekends projects. In progress and finished.

And I just have to share! A sure fire way to beat the blues is to follow Tristan's blog,
Enchanted Revelry. This blog has got to be one of the most beautiful, artistic and witty blogs I follow! I get lost reading his posts, and the eye candy is stunning! Enchanted Revelry is having a giveaway in celebration right now. You can follow this link to enter and check out this amazing artist's blog!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello Beautiful

I'm sneaking time on sonny boy's computer. He's home sick from school today and still snoozing away. Poor kiddo....upset tummy. Honestly I think that's a small percentage of his illness. I truly believe most of it is Senioritis. Since he's indisposed,  I'm going for it with his computer. :)

Did everyone survive the holiday hooplah? It was a crush around here! I'm still exhausted. Is it just me or do the holidays become more work as you get older? I so slacked this year on decorations. My exhaustive efforts to find the just the right tree this year paid off. No expense was spared......That $2 at the thrift store really broke the budget! I pulled that tree out of the box and was stunned by it's glorious possibility of being the best tree EVER. only one missing limb, the vacuum didn't remove all of the needles(bonus in my book). I hired the best decorator I know. Little miss decided our pint size tree needed more sparkle! By dipped I didn't know you could get 3,000 yards of garland on a 5 ft tree. Much less every strand of lights we have bought over the last 20 years. I tell you that tree was the most creative ( polite way to say OMG?!) piece of plastic I have ever seen. 
 I must say though, Little Miss's effort really paid off. Our small town has a holiday decoration contest every year, and dang it, if her tree all lit up in the picture window didn't take 2nd place for best tree in town.  Next year I'm getting that girl more garland!

Right now I'm trying to be busy in the studio, and it is busy at the library. The economy has
really brought more folks in to the library, and I'm only open 2 days a week, but it's hopping. I've become the local job search site, and video store. So I will try my beautiful blog friends to post more often! (As I have been missing it)

Oh and don't forget the beautiful Baroness has a Three Way Giveaway ! Be sure to hop over and enter :) Have a grand and glorious day!