
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Worth Mention!

Just a few awesome etsy sellers and products I think deserve a mention.

First up I just purchased these sweet matchbook Thanks You's to put in my orders. This is such a cute idea, and her prices were right up my alley. I couldn't resist. I bought them at EnchantedByBeka. Bless her heart! I asked for a large order, and she whipped them right out for me in heartbeat. This gal has friendly customer service down pat! There's a bonus to visiting Beka's shop.......she has some of the most romantic and gorgeous jewelry! It'll be worth visiting her shop repeatedly. :)
Recently while wasting time perusing blogland I stumbled on a post about Teddystartedit. I was intrigued with her natural bug repellent, and bite cream. Mosquitoes seem to think I am the local blood bank. I hate the chemical smell of over the counter stuff, as it gives me a bit of a headache. (That can't be good, right?!) So I decided to try out her natural repellent. Ok I tried it and I must say this stuff ROCKS!!! Not a single bite in the last month! It has a nice herbal smell that is in no way over whelming. My daughter did get bitten while she was here...and she stole my Once Bitten Cream....She said the swelling and itch just disappeared. So now I have to order some more of that, and it's definitely worth it!

Just thought they were worth mentioning! Have a grand day Beauties! :)


  1. Thanks for the love:D I'm glad you like my Bzzz Off! I don't set foot outside without it. And poo-pooh on the daughter for taking your stuff -- I guess that never ends, does it;p

  2. okay, i'm going to have to check out that bug repellent because my son seems to be continually coming home from day care with bites from playing outside.

  3. Hmmm... might have to check out that bug cream. Thanks for the head's up!

  4. Thank you so much for the mention in your blog!

    I'm going to have to check out Teddy's bug cream since I've been known to be a tasty meal to the bugs too and I hate using all those store-bought chemicals. >.<

  5. We are swarmed this year by squeeters and bugs - that cream looks worth checking out! Thanks for the heads up!

  6. I have to order some of this for Husband of Wonder..Our bugs are really bad this year for some reason..

  7. very cool! mosquitoes love me (or rather, my blood) as well, so it's nice to see that there are natural, better-smelling alternatives to the nasty chemical stuff in stores. <3

  8. I love the Once Bitten Cream! How cool! That would make a nice gift.
