
Monday, May 4, 2009

10 Percent Rule

Have you heard of the 10 percent rule? The rule states.....You have to be 10 percent smarter than the item you are trying to operate.

Well today my 10 percent went right out the window, and floated away like a dandelion puff dancing in the wind (or hurricane!)

I was absolutely tickled with myself. I spent the day in the studio, and got 2 great new pieces done. ( pat, pat, pat and toot my own horn and all that) This afternoon I take picture after picture. The light was right. Spent a multitude of minutes in shot set up.....etc. I'm sure everyone is familiar with the process. Wait, I'm still patting myself on the back at this point.

Now I'm kicking myself in the butt. I uploaded all those glorious pics, just to open the first one.....*!#* it, it's blurry! What the? Go through the rest one by one.....guess what!?

I forgot the the 10 percent rule, and the MACRO! :)


  1. Good going were channeling your Mother again..Sorry those genes just keep filtering through...but I love you...

  2. At least you got two pieces done today. I just couldn't seem to be productive today. Hopefully, you've inspired me.

  3. I sooo know how you feel. Last weekend I was taking pictures of some necklaces I had made, went to check a few through of the photos through camera view memory card...

  4. I was up until 1 am finishing my class final online...and my brain is completely useless today.

    I really hate it when my pics look good on the camera but look like crap once I download them. I'm not all that thrilled with my camera for shooting my jewelry, but I can't afford to fork out for another camera just for my!

  5. LOL...oh man, I can so identify! Yes, that ole 10% rule can get you everytime - particularly, in my case, if it is something technical I'm trying to operate.

    Good for you getting two pieces done!

  6. Taking pictures is the worst part of being on Etsy! :) I have seriously considered taking mine to a professional studio because I am never happy with the way my photos turn out.
