
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Another weekend already?!

Where did the week go? It just got away from me. I was going to spend the day in the craft room today, but opted to stand out in the frigid wind and watch my son throw javelin at his track meet. He got 2 PRs (personal records) today, and he's jacked!

The 'husband of wonder' and I did make a lot of progress on the garden beds last weekend. I'm so happy I get to garden this year! sunflowers, tomatos, potatos, cukes (for pickles), herbs, pumpkins, onions, garlic, oh my, oh my! I'm giddy :)

I am recycling bricks from an old out building to make pathways and a seating area through all the honeysuckle stands(not in the pic) for a fairy arbor for me and my missy. That honey suckle always smells so sweet.

Obviously the property needs a lot more work. When we moved in, it hadnt been tended for a good 15 -20 years, and was horibbly overgrown. This picture is after 3 years of clearing brush, deadwood, and a lot of digging! Well as you can see it will be a busy summer! Have a grand weekend :)


  1. Congrats to your son!!

    The weeks seem to be flying by don't they? Can you believe it is almost May?

  2. Congratulations to your son! :D Your property is HUGE! Wow! I am so happy that you are turning into something that you love!

  3. Your really make good progress there...Next picture should be the tilling you've gotten done.:) Love you new piece you have pictured...

  4. I truly envy you of the honeysuckle! That is one of the best smells in the world, next to lilac!!!:)

  5. time seems to be going faster and faster as I get older and older... my mom says to hang on because it does that and I have no clue yet. If I have learned one things it is that she is almost always right. *grabs hold and gets ready for the ride*
    thank you for the comments on blog :)

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog. We have most of our garden in also; sounds like we like the same things. I was just in your shop and I think it is so cool that both your mom and dad have Etsy shops also. I follow your mother's blog and she follows all do great work!
