
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Left over after the holiday

The holidays left behind some gifts for me I never expected. I had more people, friends, relatives in my home than I have in a long time, including the clutter they leave in their wake. The weather broke all records for snowfall in the recorded history of our region. The boiler ran out of oil with the record low temps. The alternator died in Humphrey the land whale (my volvo)The tax forms have all come in and are staring me in the face. I have lost hours at work due to closed highways.
SO.....what was my gift? I had a realization. Amidst all this chaos I am surrounded by the most loving people. My mother called everyday to lift my spirits, one friend snow blowed the driveway more than once, friends just pop in for ice cream and coffee. My boys make sure the wood bin is filled and the fireplace is kept going.
I was really feeling poorly there for a while until my heart heard what all the chaos around me actually was.......just sharing
Many blessings for your new year!


  1. What a bright outlook! I agree, sometimes we get so caught up in what is going on around us that we forget what is most important :).

  2. Love the blog...missed seeing your postings. Yes you are truly loved by many....

  3. Happy New Year! Hope you are recovering from the holidays and that you had a wonderful time with family and friends. I see grass here, how about you? Hope that does not mean I have to start gardening soon. I am not really ready to end my craft times. My daughter is expecting the end of April and we just picked out fabric for a baby quilt. And they are to take possession of their first house together this next week. So lots of painting coming up. I geared up for that by painting my dining room. Oh, I am sore. Hope we can get together once all this snow is gone.
