
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Family Pride

I have an overwhelming urge to share some love, and be a bit boastful of my family. My Dad....the kids call him Papa, gives the best "strawberry jam' hugs, listens, and loves with his whole heart, and shuffles his feet in modesty in the sawdust. So Im going to boast on him since I think he deserves it.  After much prodding and convincing....he has his own etsy shop, BlockheadProduction. He makes the most beautiful wood turn bowls and vessels! I'm just in awe of his talent, they evoke emotion, are tactile, gloriously designed. Ok Papa are you blushing yet? It's all true, and I think his shop deserves our love. Just for grins and to share some love, please leave your comments here, or convo Papa at his shop and let him know what you like about it! Making him blush is one of my favorite pastimes :)


  1. I love you too honey....and yes my ears are red....

  2. You made me cry when I read this blog.....good tears though.

  3. Yes, his work is stunning. I looked at this site a couple days ago and was impressed. Such lovely work. Thanks for the chance to see it. Kpaints

  4. Oh this is so cute!!! I don't have grandpas anymore ;( but I do have my 2 grandmas... you can never grow up enough with them!

  5. Beautiful work you should be proud of him. My father had carves and I know how proud I am of him. :) I love the Spalted Broadleaf Maple Vase.

  6. Hello! please let Mr. Papa blockhead know that I really love the finishes he puts on those bowls. Wonderful work and such variety:)

  7. Awww yay for your dad opening an etsy shop!!!

  8. Nice blog! your father's work is quite nice. I think one of those Xylophones would be fun.

  9. What a sweet post! And his creations are wonderful! You have reason to be proud.

    And thanks for the lovely encouraging comment you left on my blog. It warms my heart to know that somewhere in cyberspace someone is telling me to calm down :)

  10. Woo hoo! Fantastic work! And very sweet post :)

  11. You guys all rock! Papa has been blushing for a week now. thanks for all the nice comments....Carey Lynn just so you know "papa blockhead" is now stuck as a new nickname :)
