
Monday, February 15, 2010

Romance is in the air

 I found out my station in life is about to change officially this weekend.  (I already had a clue)

My oldest son officially proposed to his lady love! My soon to be new daughter told me he even got down on one knee in front of her parents to ask.......awwwww. Pretty brave of him if you ask me, as her father is a retired Chief of Police and still has his service weapon :) So now that I'm going to be a (dreaded) I have to take classes? LOL
Actually she is a sweet pea, and already pretty entrenched in our hearts. 

 I did manage to get the doll done this weekend as I will leave you with pictures of Mademoiselle Michelle.

Bright Blessings, Theresa

OWOH Winners.....Time to fly away home

Wow,  was that amazing or what?! I found a bunch of lovely new blogs, and artists to follow along. I was amazed at the friendliness and the amount of talent out there! Lisa did a great job organizing this event, and I'm grateful I found it :)
I know everyone is on pins and needles to see if they won. Let me pull a rabbit out the the hat so there's room for names.

 The Last Veil will find a new home with #331 Deborah at Vintage Soul!

And the lucky winner of the tanzanite necklace is #44, Sharon of SharDon!

Congratulations ladies! I will be contacting both of you shortly for your mailing address' . Thanks to everyone else who commented and or followed my are all amazing and wonderful :)

Bright Blessings , Theresa

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fat Sassy and Fabulous

Well my new WIP is for the ADO Burlesque Challenge.......(Hey I made it into the ADO team! How cool is that?!)

 I thought I'd post a in progress sneak peak :) I have no idea why she needs to be fat and sassy.....but she stuck in my head this way.
The beginnings of some majorly sassy unders!
So this will be my romance on Valentine's weekend. As I'm sure Husband Of Wonder will submit to his usual Sunday routine and sleep in and spend the day scratching himself in odd spots. And no those odd spots don't include the laundry room or in front of the dirty dishes....dang it!
I hope everyone enjoys their romance this whatever form it manifests!
Blessings, Theresa

Sunday, February 7, 2010

One More Down

This weekend has been a grand adventure!

Friday Surprises:
(none of which I knew about ahead of time)
* Refurbished computer showed up in the mail from a sweet uber geek friend.
* Daughter called home....."hey Mom I got a tattoo" ok sweety
*Got an invitation email from an etsy team I thought I would never get into (WAY cool)
* Got filmed by a local news crew at the high school basketball game. It was Senior night, and all the seniors and parents got called down to mid court. My little Bear didn't tell Mom that was going to happen....Good thing I had makeup on!
* Hubby's relatives call 20 minutes before the game....we just drove across state to come see the game...we'll be right there. (OH SH*! Where's the vacuum?!) I lost an eye shadow down the drain in my haste....still there I'm afraid.
Little Bear Plays Drums for the Pep Band

Saturday Fun:
* Little Miss had her basketball game at 8;30am.....had to stay through the other 2 games to watch all the other monkeys we love play too.
* Had to set up the library for a meet the author program for a local gal.....hmm the publisher decided to bring 3 other authors too. This is a town of 600.....just how many folks did he think were going to show up?
*Finished my taxes, sons taxes, daughters taxes, and filed FASFA apps for 2 of my kiddos.
*Fell asleep sitting in my chair at the computer!

 Can you feel the love?....Goofy Monkeys!

Superbowl Sunday:
*Found that amber I was looking for and finished the Monarch piece.
*Made massive amounts of food...and slept through half of the game!

One more done....YAY!

All I can say is, Thank the powers that be that tomorrow is Monday!

Bright Blessings, Theresa

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Creative A.D.D.

Or otherwise known as..... how to not finish a single freakin' project in one day!

I have had a blast wandering through all the blogs for OWOH, but now that Ive got it down to manageable numbers it's time to get back to work. HA....HAHA.
I was feeling so inspired after looking at all the eye candy on these wonderful artist's blogs I decided to design a new doll. Here she sits, naked as a jaybird....for 3 days now. Yes I realize her body is two toned....didn't really notice that myself until I was putting her hair on.

Then my bright idea to start another fantasy wrap, started me to thinking I need to organize my beads.......YEAH RIGHT! This looks like a Monarch butterfly to I need some amber to go in this. Anyone want to help find it? I know it's here somewhere........
Labels.....Need labels (sigh)
Granted not all distractions are of my own creation. I just need to put a timer by the computer so I'm not getting completely drenched surfing the web. So what did I get distracted by on the web? I found out I am in a really pretty treasury on etsy today. (hehe)

Then I got notified I just got two....(dang I feel special!) Blog awards . Cool right?! The Kreativ Blogger Award from the Baroness. Another rockin' jewelry designer, you can check out her oh so witty blog here!
As part of the rules I'm supposed to share seven things about myself. Ok here goes

*I let dust bunnies breed with abandon under the furniture. (If I can't see it it doesn't need to be cleaned)

*I will forget to wear my glasses....see reason above.

*I actually carry and use handkerchiefs. (no I don't stuff them down the arms of the chairs)

* I have seriously thought about saran wrapping the toilet bowl in retaliation of my three men leaving the seat up so the (specially kind of stupid) cat can drink the water.

*I take great delight in warming my always cold feet on the husband's thighs when he's dozing off........hehe :)

*I hide all my chocolate.....but sometimes let little miss just barely see where Mom is hiding her stash. We girls have to stick together!

*I  cry like a goof at the good stuff. Which confuses Husband of Wonder no end. As it should!

My second award.....I feel blessed :) The Sunshine Award, came from the ever talented Denise at
DLynne Art Dolls. Psst Denise........If one of your sweet babies ever makes it my way I think I'd swoon! Thank you beautiful!
So since I'm in the throes of ADD I'm going to cheat a bit. I'm supposed to pass these on to other Kreativ and Sunshine bloggers.  So I'm going to post a list of blogs I think deserve both :)
able mabel *** Astrids Artistic Efforts *** Cara Makes *** CheneyBagLady
Geoduckfest ***KaerieFaerie

Well I'm feeling the impulse to move on to something else........What?!....Oh that's right time to work on dinner, or craft room....hmm that bed looks like it needs to be on the other wall.......................I am off :)

Bright Blessings! Theresa