
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gee Thanks Mum!

Okay, Okay! I get it....get off my butt and post on the blog.

My beautiful and talented Mum sent me an award through blog land. It's not wise to ignore The Baroness! (I don't want to do latrine duty ) :)

Actually, thank you Baroness for the prompt I have been too busy to pay much attention to the blog lately, and your award was timely and oh so sweet! Be sure to stop by Mum's blog:
Baroness Bijoutery and give her a big hug ! (and enter her newest Giveaway).

Okay, for the technical part:
Here are the award rules:

1. Thank the person who gave this to you.

2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog.

3. Link the person who nominated you.

4. Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.

5. Nominate seven 'Kreativ Bloggers'

6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate

7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.

Hmm seven thing about myself?

1. I am the handyman in the family.
2. Potato chips are my downfall!
3. I am shorter than my children now :(
4. I watch Top's like watching a train wreck, I can't look away.
5. I hate make up, and only wear it for work.
6. I want to learn to belly dance, but that sounds like exercise :)
7. I believe anti wrinkle cream is a mind f#%*! I can"t believe I spent money on it :)

So now to nominate some lovely bloggers :) (insert evil laugh)
Able Mable
AlyGators Everywhere
Dorset Hill Beads
Girl Wrapped in Wire
Moon of Glass
Plum Valley Designs
Thanks so much! Have a grand and gloriously creative day!