
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nature or Nurture?

While sitting here this morning with the first cup of coffee, and checking all my assorted oh so important junk emails. (dang no sales online last night) I skipped over and checked Mum's shop, Dad's shop, Daughter's shop. I had the stray though maybe there's something in the water!
It got me to wondering about how creativity plays itself out. You know the old 'nature versus nurture' thing.

Right brain, left brain dominance, genetic predisposition, necessity, or familial tradition? I believe being creative can be learned through a nurturing process, but does that explain talent? Is having any level of talent just from what you are taught, or is it a natural process that we're born with. I remember begging to take guitar lessons when I was younger. A tutor came to our house to screen me. I had never played any instrument before, and he walked me through holding the instrument and basic finger placement. So for the total 15-30 min he was there, he concluded I had no talent, (and yes he said that to me) and it wasn't worth it for him to teach me. Needless to say I don't play guitar :), but had a different teacher nurtured the desire would that have been different?

Hmm might be to much to think about this early. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. How did you become so wonderfully creative?

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Delightful, Delectable, And Just A Bit Wicked

Just a drive by posting to share a treasury of truly delightful art!

Monday, August 24, 2009

If you looked close enough you could see...

If you looked close enough you could actually see my wedding band in this picture. While I think it looks pretty cool, I just couldn't load it in the shop. Hope you all got a giggle out of my amateur photography skills. :) The random pick was #2 - Cindy! I will try to contact you for your mailing addy so I can send out the goody envelope. Congrats!

I have been playing at doing some ATCs (Artist Trading Cards). It's a very different perspective to work so small. I am finding though, that it enhances my color and line sense in a different way. Sometimes you just have to look at things through a different lens! Now I just have to find some trading groups, or friends. Let me know what you think?! :) Have a glorious evening!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mini Giveaway

Good morning Beautiful! I have been super busy with studio work, and regular work here lately. (who hasn't?) Lots of new pieces up in the etsy shop, loading items in the new website, lots of picture taking!
I had to laugh at myself this week though, and it prompted me to have a mini giveaway.
All these pretty pieces, all these pictures.....but there is a glaring error in one of them I didn't see until I went to list it. I am sure all you keen eyed photographers will see it right off :) If you can find it, post a comment here....dont peek at the comments and cheat LOL. Monday night( 24th)I will draw a winner out of all the comments and send a surprise goodie envelope to the winner. No I don't know what I'm stuffing in the envelope yet...but who doesn't like surprises?! Rest assured everything will be handmade!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coolest Giveaway!

OH I'm so excited! DLynne Artdolls is having a giveaway for her Sunshine Spirit doll. Her work is amazing! I fell in love with her dolls when I happened across her blog quite awhile back. The attention to detail, expression, and artistic style is truly stunning.

There's only 4 days left to enter, just click on the picture to get your entry in. Her etsy shop is a true delight! I'm totally drooling over her Bat Fairy right now. Anything in her shop is on my holiday wishlist!

Good luck!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Back from Neverland

I have been missing in action for a bit, but I am back from Neverland. Amidst all the family reunions, swimming, outings, camps, etc. You know all the usual summer fun that gives us moms premature grey hair, I have been spending as much time as I can in the studio and working on the website.
I do believe my work is starting to pay off. I got a new wholesale order this last week. (yay for multiple purchasing!) The new website is coming along nicely. If anyone wants to peruse the new site it's I am open to any comments or suggestions! I have also been pleased with the new pieces I have managed to get done.

Just a drop in to wave and say hello to everyone, and I will be perusing blogs and leaving my crumb trail in your comments again :) Have a glorious evening!