
Saturday, June 27, 2009

Earth Element Doll

I am so happy with the way Earth turned out. I made her for the ADO 4 elements challenge. I am so glad this was an open challenge. I know I'm still a bit of a novice making dolls, but I'm going for it anyway. I'm going to start on one of the other elements tomorrow...hope I get her done in time :)

Earth is practical, patient, slightly vain, but above all nurturing. Just don't get on her bad side.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fantastic Friday Giveaway #9

Where did the time go? It's already time for the next Fantastic Friday Giveaway. Congratulations to Beldame Peachstreet for winning the giveaway on Baroness' blog!
I just realized I haven't posted in so long. I was wandering around in Sad Panda Land a bit. Whenever I get a bit of sad panda, I always end up working on dolls or bears for a pick me up. So I decided to offer up a bit of cheer for this giveaway!
This bright bear is sure to cheer even the hard core mopes! She's stands 15 inches tall and is button jointed with found and vintage buttons. Unfortunately she hasn't told me her name yet. So to change things up a bit here are the rules to apply:
1. link, post, tweet about this giveaway
2. post a name for her
3. peruse either my FlightFancy or PuddinFoot shops and post a favorite
4. subscribe or follow, and give me a heads up here :)
5. open to everyone, need not be a member to enter
any and all are worth a separate entry, and I will use to pick the winner on July 10th.

Good luck everyone! Have a grand and glorious day!

Monday, June 15, 2009

somewhere today

Somewhere today I dropped my basket. I haven't found it yet, but I'll keep looking. I'll just leave you with the beginnings of my next emotional outburst.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hey Thanks!

Today is Fantastic Friday , and it's time to draw a rabbit out of the hat!
There was such a good turn out of entries for this one, that I want to tell everyone thank you! I have gotten ten different colors of the Chain Link Pearl necklaces made in the hope that I would have the winner's favorite color already made, the rest of course to be listed in my etsy shop. Plus I have 8 more colors already sitting out on my desk to get done. As luck would have it I do have the winner's favorite color pearl.....and it's one of the colors sitting on the desk :) I guess I must get busy this morning!

Oh who won?! After assigning number to each and every entry right down the line and my young missy picking the number with

# 29 Clenna Clap! Clap! Clap! Confetti ****** Congratulations Clenna, I will contact you shortly to get your mailing address and confirm if you want the teal pearls.
Thanks to everyone who entered! I wish I could give everyone a prize, but now it's the Baroness' turn to host Fantastic Friday Giveaway #8. So run over to her blog this morning to enter the next giveaway.....hurry! Or the old bird will call me on the phone and tell me I'm a Brat again :)

Mum (Baroness) hasn't told me what the prize is yet, but knowing her it is something lovely and romantic.

Monday, June 8, 2009

MIL & Battle Days

It is with great guilt I am sneaking up to the computer room to post. My mother in law is still here and I have left her to her own devices downstairs in the living room. While I enjoy sitting on my backside and chatting occasionally. I am getting to a point of some kind of primitive insanity from having to do so constantly for the last 4 days. I am very weary of wearing a permasmile through yet another chat about Nordstrom's semi annual sale or how the dog missed his groomer's appointment because he would just wind up a mess at my house...........sigh.

No great Battles with my MIL I do love her, we just have very little in common other than her son. The Battle Days portion of this was the reason for familial visitation. Our small town celebration "Battle Days" was this last weekend, and MIL's high school reunion. Of course being a very small town almost everyone is involved in the celebration in one form or another. I held an open house for Summer Reading sign ups at the library. The 'husband of wonder' graciously wore the Book Bear costume( we wont discuss the amount of frebreeze it took to make the costume tolerable) and walked in the kiddie parade, and posed with the high school royalty, little miss carried the banner for the middle school band, and my youngest son of course marched with the high school band. He says the best part of the uniform is the swashbuckling hat....and I must agree!
I hope everyone's weekend was a grand adventure as well...........blessings, Theresa

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Drive By Posting

Just a few pieces I have gotten done. I'm on cleaning patrol today, as MIL is coming to visit tomorrow.