
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday Hooray or Bah Humbug?

As the Holidays are quickly approaching, I am finding my holiday spirit seriously lagging. I have yet to put on my Santa Hat. Hell I cant even find it. I think it's stuck somewhere in the laundry chute in the third strasosphere. but no worries I found the other decorations. I know these flippin lights worked when I put them away last year, but now theres a 3 ft section in the middle that wont light.....where are the extra bulbs?! All I can find are the 60 watt ones....fine on the tree they go!
Oh crap, thats right...presents. Hubby, (electronics) son, (video games) other son, (double kick for the drums) daughter (designer shoes) other daughter (DS) hmmm ok I work for a nonprofit.....lets see....ok if I take in the aluminum, donate plasma, sell my left ear to research lab ( its a seriously cute ear! It could work) Ok maybe santa has a magic atm too. thats it sock and underpants for everyone! But wait I have to stuff stockings.....well I guess that where all the laundry can hide when the inlaws come :)
HO HO HO everyone!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Take me home

Here's a chance to take home a sweet new handmade friend. The Barefoot Mommies have been sweet enough to host a give away for one of my teddies. Your choice of any teddy including a custom teddy from Visit Puddinfoot and go here
Check it out here
and post a comment on your favorite item to be entered in the drawing.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Not much .....really

I am just in a bit of a turn around. I so want and need to get in the craft room. The more I feel I need to, the more elsewhere needs my attention. Not much I can do about that at the moment till I wade through the other responsibilities first. I did manage to sneak in getting one pendant done. I really like making these, just have to carve more time out some where.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where to start?

I'm having one of 'those' days. The chores in the house are mounting at an alarming rate, and I believe the chores outside are in cahoots with the house chores to over take my sanity! I want to work in the craft room today, but everything is conspiring against my time. School conferences, bookfair, the "I dont have a good excuse not to go" catalog party, chores, feeding the starving horde that congregates at my house, bank, post offic, groceries, car tabs, renew driver's license,orders to complete. I dont know where to start! Arggh,,,,well I can always do the usual...get another cup of coffee, find the brassiere, and gird up the ladies for a day of fun and frolic. So how does everyone else find any time?!

Friday, October 17, 2008

WooHoo a front page spot!

I'm so stoked! One of my necklaces made to the front page of Etsy. Yay!!!! That really helped sales in my shop. It was the best single day of sales since I opened.

The 'Cobalt Tower Necklace' was featured, and it sold right away. I really liked that piece, my son on the other hand was calling it the "Tower of Terror". Alas, I can't make another one as it was made with vintage beads, and that was the last of them.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weird or Wonderful?

Today I got told once again...."you're weird!" It was all in fun, and a bit of wonder. My friends I believe have attached to me partially because of my sense of weird or absurd. Truth be told, I would rather be considered weird! If the folks around me stop thinking that, I would worry about my imaginative skills with my art, and crafting.
So how does being 'weird' play out from a business sense? I have noticed at least in my area (which is a very conservative demographic) that I watched a lot of the stroller pushing patrol walk right on by my booth. My designs at first glance dont look mainstream enough for the middle class mommy. So I decided to use my weird style, and most importantly my sense of humor to lure them in my booth. I listen to the comments they make as they are walking by.... example: Hubby makes a joke to the wife about one of my besoms. I walk right up and hand him a coupon for free riding riding lessons! It breaks the ice, and gets them to stop even for a moment to look around and see there is more in my booth that they originally assumed on first glance.
On the other hand the positive of weird style is it draws in the bold and the curious. I find that It's not just other artsy folks, what I think is cool is the bold and curious are older women! They ask more questions, and arent afraid to ask for what they want. So Im sticking with my weird self!